Halton Urology is the home to Urologists Dr. Eric Cole and Dr. Kevin Kwan. We are located at 311 Commercial Street, Suite 205 in Milton, Ontario.
Together, they provide urologic care to patients in the Halton region and surrounding areas. They are affiliated with Halton Healthcare and perform urologic surgery at the Milton District Hospital and the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital.
Both Dr. Cole and Dr. Kwan are also Assistant Clinical Professors (Adjunct) at McMaster University and are actively involved in surgical education.
Welcome to
Halton Urology
How do I get an appointment?
Appointments for new patients are by referral only by a licensed physician. Due to the pandemic, your initial appointment may be by telephone or in-person depending on the clinical condition and at the discretion of the Urologist.
Elective consultation referral: Your appointment will be scheduled once a complete written referral from a physician has been received and reviewed. To expedite your referral, please ensure that all supporting documents are included with the referral including appropriate blood work, urine tests, diagnostic imaging studies and/or prior relevant clinical notes. Incomplete referrals will be returned to your doctor to request additional clinical information and appointment scheduled once received and reviewed.
Referrals are triaged and scheduled based on nature and severity of the clinical condition. You and your doctor will be notified of the appointment once it has been booked. It is at the discretion of the Urologist whether the consultation request will be accepted based on the clinical condition, their expertise or wait-time.
Emergency Department referral: The Halton Urology office will contact you directly to book an appointment once we have received all the necessary clinical information. You will typically be seen within 1 week or in the next available appointment.
Follow-up consultation: If you have been previously seen and require another appointment, please call the office during business hours. You will require a new referral if it is for an unrelated urologic condition or if it has been greater than 2 years since your last appointment.
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Who We Are
Expertise you expect. Experience you trust. Compassion you deserve.
With Dr. Cole and Dr. Kwan's training at McMaster University, Faculty appointment with the Department of Surgery at McMaster University and ongoing Urology residency teaching, you can expect a high standard and evidence-based urologic care that meets each individual’s healthcare goals.
Dr. Cole and Dr. Kwan have a busy clinical practice at Halton Urology. They see over 12,000 clinic visits per year and perform approximately 2,500 surgical procedures per year at Halton Healthcare. With the two new hospitals, we continue to push the urology program forward.
At Halton Urology, we get it; we understand what a cancer diagnosis or any diagnosis for that matter means to people. We know that a large part of our job is to realize that the emotions felt by our patients and their families are real and important. We will always strive to go beyond our normal duties to serve patients with the utmost empathy, tenderness, and dignity.
Our Values
We're principled, honest, ethical, and do the right thing for those we serve.
We count on and support one another individually and as team members.
We perform at the highest level, always learning and looking to improve.
We accept responsibility for our actions, attitudes, and health.
Mutual Respect
We embrace diversity and treat one another with dignity and empathy.
Patient Resources
Pre-Surgery Information
Post-Surgery Information
Patient materials from the Canadian Urological Association
Additional Patient Resources